Song Lyrics (Umbrella)

Rhianna and Jay Z use euphony, alliteration and assonance to portray a certain meaning of the song. An example of alliteration of the "G" sound is in the first verse when Jay Z says, "Good Girl Gone Bad", and an example of assonance of the "A" sound is when Jay Z says, "Let it rain, I hydroplane into fame". The whole song is euphonic and the words all flow nicely together, especially when Rhianna is singing her verses like "Because when the sun shines, we'll shine together, told you I would be here forever".
This whole song is about love and friendship. Rhianna is saying that in the worst times, no matter the conditions she will always be there for "you". When she says, "Its raining" (multiple times) she is referring to the hardships and struggles of life. Those poetic devices help the story flow and tell its true story.


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