How Has Technology Shaped Our World Today?

Imagine going back to when our parents were our age, around the 1970's. During that time our parents didn't have portable cell phones or even smart phones, flat screen TV's, portable laptops, smart watches etc. When our parents were kids, they didn't have phones with apps, like Snap Chat, Facebook, or Instagram, and they couldn't texts their friends whenever they wanted. They didn't have laptops that you could carry in your backpack and pull them out whenever and do work. They couldn't sit on the couch and turn on their 50 in flat screen TV and watch their favorite TV shows and movies on Netflix.

So come back to present day. Think how much do you do those things I just listed, a lot I'm sure. In those forty years from our parents childhood to our childhood we can see how much technology has advanced and shaped our world today. We have millions of internet sources and apps at our fingertips where you can find out almost anything you want on your phone or laptop. I can guarantee you that if we swapped lives with our parents when they were our age, there would only be a few people who could live and function regularly without our advanced technology. Compared to our parents as teenagers, we are spoiled, and unappreciative of the things we are given in our lives. We often take things for granted, technology is one of the biggest things that people are unnapreciative of and we should realize how easy our lives our with the world at our fingertips.


  1. I enjoyed this blog, and I do see how we have this problem of often taking things for granted. The thing I have always believed is that you should just enjoy your luxuries because times change. Sure our parents didn't have our modern technology, but they had technology that was modern to them at the time. My father, for instance, owned a car which was something his parents didn't even have. Times change, but I don't think we can reminisce in the past because even we will fall behind.

  2. This post was super thought provoking. Its crazy to think about all the opportunities we have. The world really is at our fingertips.


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