Interrogation Dialogue

"Where were you the night of Monday the 14th, from 11:00 P.M. to 2:30 A.M.?", Officer White spoke.
Danny answered, "I was at Johnny Cook's house from 10:30 until 12:45. Then we went back to my house for the rest of the night."
Officer White asked, "Have you had any contact with Brady Lewis in the past three days?"
Danny said, "Yea I talked to him before the game on Saturday, then after the game we went out with some other guys and had a few drinks."
"Have you spoken to him since then?", Officer White inquired.
"No sir, the last time I saw or have spoken to him was at the old bar down on 23rd Street," answered Danny.
Officer White questioned, "Have you any idea of the possible whereabouts of Brady?"
"Brady usually likes to hang out by the old high school football stadium off of North Boulevard, or he might be at the old bar on 23rd Street," pronounced Danny.
"Thank you for your services Mr. Cooper," stated Officer White.
"My pleasure Officer White," Danny exclaimed, "Have a good rest of the day."


  1. This was a great idea for dialogue. This dialogue sounds like it's straight out of a movie.

  2. Your dialogue was fun and interesting to read. It was really clear who was saying what, good job!!

  3. Very great and well thought out dialogue! I like the theme!


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