Alex Rider: Skeleton Key #3

Currently in Alex Rider: Skeleton Key, the mysterious guard tries to eliminate Alex for knowing to much about his mission, but Alex ends up knocking him out and locking him in the giant freezer. Alex, Crawley, a chief of police, and a Wimbledon official figure out that the guard was sabotaging the matches to win money for the triad he worked for. Alex goes to Sabina's vacation house and tells her everything thats going on.
Thanks to Alex's observation of the big red circle tattoo on the guards arm, they were able to trace him back to a triad he is linked to. I believe the mysterious guard who was trying to sabotage the matches is only a minor act in something of much greater magnitude. I think they will interrogate the guard to try and extract some information from him about his mission and the Big Circle. Also, by telling Sabina his secret of being a teen spy, it could risk his whole mission and also comeback and penalize him later. So far this book has been full of action, suspense, and suspicion. The book is being told from Alex's point of view, first person. The book contains a great deal of dialogue and uses lots of descriptive and vivid details when describing certain characteristics and actions.


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