A book I read for summer reading was Alex Rider: Point Blanc. In the book teen spy Alex Rider is sent on a mission to a school in the French Alps called Point Blanc because MI6 is suspicious of kids mysteriously dying and they want Alex to investigate.  Alex finds out that Dr. Hugo Grief is making clones out of the students and killing the real ones so he can be rich and also live on inside them forever. Something that surprised me was that Alex ended up surviving a very bad skiing accident in his attempt to escape, also Dr. Hugo did end up making a clone of Alex, and when he gets back to England it is waiting for him and they end up fighting and we don't know which Alex survived.

The things I liked about the book is that it was full of action and excitement. The book had some cliffhangers at the end of some chapters and there were twists that surprised me and made me wonder what would happen next. As I was reading I noticed that when your a spy its hard to trust people, you always have to be careful who you trust. In the book Alex meets other boys at the school that were acting weird, accept one, James Sprintz. James tells Alex things about the school that led him to uncover the real mystery of Point Blanc. By writing these blogs it helps as a reader to express their thoughts on what they read. Overall, I think by writing these blogs it will expand and increase my abilities as a writer.


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