Writing Strengths

I would say that my strengths as a writer are my word choice, my understanding of my rhetorical situation, and my use of conventions. Whenever I write I usually try to use bigger and more exciting words to make my writing stronger and intriguing. I am usually good at adjusting to my rhetorical situation. It is really easy for me to talk to an adult and then talk to one of my friends without shaking up my words. Conventions are not my strongest trait of writing, but I think it is one of my biggest strengths. I do not really have trouble with grammar and spelling, but sometimes I might forget a comma every once in a while, or accidentally miss spell a word.
I definitely have trouble with my sentence fluency and organization. I need to work on using different sentence structures. Whenever I write, I tend to only use simple sentences, instead of mixing in some compound and complex sentences. I also need to work on my organization. I have trouble making transitional sentences and wrapping up a writing in my conclusion paragraph. These traits of writing are important because they will help make your readers more interested in your writing and they will enjoy your writing more.


  1. Great job on tying all of your strengths and weaknesses together. I also struggle with sentence fluency and organization. Nice post

  2. Using more complex and meaningful words is also a strength of mine. I also have trouble with organization, so I can relate. Great post!

  3. Transitional sentences are definitely hard but are very important to piece together your writing. I agree that factors like these can affect the readers interest in your writing, and we should try to recognize and work on our weaknesses to improve.


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