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My weekend was very fun! It started off on Friday night at the varsity basketball game. We played Newman in the quarterfinals, and won! After the game the players and coaches cut down the net and then we gave Coach Beckman a water bath with the water cooler to celebrate the victory. This will be the second consecutive year we will be going to the semi-finals. Then I had to wake up early to do my first driving appointment in order to get my driver's permit. It was really fun driving around Baton Rouge for two hours and not getting a wreck.
Later that day I got ready for the SJA sweetheart dance. We went to someone's house to take pictures before the dance. Then we went and ate at Gino's, and the food was very good. Then we went to the dance. The dance was really fun and the best part was getting to see all my friends from St. George and some other schools. Then we went and hung out at my friends house after the dance. Then me and my friend went back to his house and stayed up late playing Xbox. I stayed at my friends house until about 1:30, and then I went back home and chilled. Then I had to study a lot  for a test that ended up not even being today.


  1. I enjoyed the basketball game too, it was radical. Sounds like a fun weekend.

  2. The game was fantastic! Glad you had a fun time at the dance, Ginos is very exquisite place!

  3. It sounds like you had a very full and exciting weekend. Nice Post!


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