Free Post: My Weekend

This weekend I did not really do too much. On Friday I did not have any practices so I got to leave school at the normal time. When I got home I was so tired that I laid on the couch and took about an hour nap. After my nap I tried to decide whether or not I should do some homework or play xbox and watch march madness. You can probably guess which one I chose. I couldn't go anywhere that night because on Saturday morning I had to wake up really early to go drive.
After I finished my driving session, I went home and took another nap. Then around 2:00 I had to go to Stop n Go to go take my drivers ed test. There were about 6 other people there to take the test and I was the only one under 25 years old. I won't know my test grade until Monday, so hopefully I passed. Later that night I went to a wedding shower my parents and two other families hosted for my friends brothers wedding. They were my friends from St. George. It was really fun hanging out with them, since I do not really hang out with them that much anymore. We stayed there from about 7:00 to about 1:00 in the morning. After the party I went home played some more xbox and then went to sleep. I woke up around noon today and started homework around 1:00.


  1. It sounds like your weekend was very eventful! I bet hanging with your friends from St. George was fun:) Nice post!

  2. It is good you got to see your old friends. I hope your spring break is just as good!


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