Free Post: Snow Days

After the first week back from winter break I was so excited that we had a three day weekend and that I got to sleep in an extra day. I never would have thought that it would turn out to be a 5 and maybe possible 6 day weekend. I did not know it was even going to possibly snow until late Monday afternoon.  I was hoping that school would be closed Tuesday, but then Mrs. Spencer sent an email saying we are going to have school and I was really bummed out. Then around 5:40 the next morning my dad came into my room and told me that school was cancelled. Although I was very tired and did not show much emotion I was so happy and relieved inside.
At first I was confused about why there was no school because only until around 7:00 did it start to snow. Around 1:00 on Tuesday they announced that school would be closed down on Wednesday as well. I could not believe that it snowed for the second time this winter, it was the first time that that has ever happened in my life. So far this has been the winter I have ever had!


  1. Good job telling us what you did. Nice detail and description

  2. The exact same thing happened to me Tuesday Morning! I can't believe it either!!!

  3. This weekend was a fun experience, but it did get boring staying at home for so long. This has probably been the best winter for me too. Maybe we will have more snow than last year at the end of this year!

  4. I agree with you that it was a surprise to stay home that long and how long it ended up lasting! Nice details describing your break!


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