My Fall Break

During fall break all I wanted to do was relax, and I did. I got to sleep in for the first time in months. I didn't have to worry about cramming in all my homework in because I had a four-day weekend. The best part was that our football coach gave us off Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I haven't been this relaxed and rested since the summer.
The best thing about this break was that from Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, my old school, St. George, had its annual fair. I got to ride the rides, eat all the great, yet non-healthy food, and the best part of all, hang out with my old friends from middle school. It was so much fun seeing all of them and hanging out at the fair. We went and watched the 7th and 8th graders play their football game on Sunday. The fair has always been so fun and exciting and it lived up to my hopes this year! I can't wait to go back next year.


  1. That weekend was really great having all that free time. The fair sounds really fun!


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