A&P by John Updike, is a shorty story based in the 1960's about an 18 year old Sammy works at the A&P store and tries to impress these girls who are shopping in the store. This story shows the difference in class in the 1960's. Sammy is shown as a lower class teenager who works at the grocery store to help provide for his family. While these three girls walk into the store in the middle of the day in bathing suits saying their mother sent them to buy some herring snacks. This shows that the higher class had more privileges than the lower class or at least they thought so.
This story also exemplifies how you should always stay true to your word, no matter what it is. In the story Sammy is outraged by the way Lengel treats the young ladies. He exclaimed that he quit in an act of heroism towards the girls, not realizing the consequences of his actions. Therefore Sammy stays true to his word and goes through with quitting even though the girls had already vanished and had no idea of his heroic act.  Although he realized quitting would not be good for his family, he went through with his actions, instead of looking like an idiot and asking for his job back.


  1. I like how you focused on the class differences in the 1960s. Nice job!


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