Dear 6 Year Old

Dear 6 year old, enjoy your childhood. When you are six years old you don't have any responsibilities in life. Life is so open and free when you are six, you don't have homework, or chores etc. When you are six you can do whatever you want, in reason. Your parents still think you are the cutest thing ever and rarely get mad at you.
So whenever you say "I can't wait to be all grown up," and "I want to be treated like a big boy/girl," yes there are perks to being older, but little kids have it all. If I could go back to being in preschool or kindergarten, I wouldn't hesitate in going back. From 5 years old to 7 years old were the best years of my life, so don't take anything for granted, have fun and live your open, free and no responsbilty life.


  1. In this blog you really put emotion and thought to the reader. This kept me interested and made this blog that much better. Good Job.

  2. I really enjoyed reading this Thomas. I felt as if i had a flash back to some of my own childhood memories. Not a care in the world, just non-stop fun.


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