NC Adventures

This summer my family and I went to North Carolina for a week. We go almost every summer and it is my favorite vacation to go on.

First we hiked up to the highest point of the Blue Ridge Parkway, the elevation was over 6,000 feet above sea level, the air being much more thinner and making it harder to breathe. We hiked up over ten different trails, some step, some flat, some only half a mile, some over three miles. When finally get to the end of the trail, or when you find a swimming hole or waterfall, it makes you feel accomplished. During the summer in North Carolina it isn't as hot as in Baton Rouge, but its still pretty hot while you're hiking, so when you finally get into the fifty degrees and below water it feels amazing, but it also feels like you're about to get hypothermia. I also learned how to fly fish for rainbow trout in streams that split the mountains.


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