Hits and Misses

This year In English 1, we have done many different types of writing. We have done a personal narrative, a literary analysis, a research paper, poetry, and many blog posts. I would not say I really excelled in any of these, but I did do better on some than others. I think I did the best on the literary analysis, research paper, and blog posts, than on the personal narrative and poetry. I feel I did well on the literary analysis because of my understanding of the topic I chose. I feel I did well on the research paper, even though my grade doesn't really show it, because of how much time I had to work on it, and also because I enjoyed the project as a whole. I also think that the blogs have helped me better my writing since the beginning of the year.
On the other hand, the personal narrative and poetry sections did not go exactly well, as shown by my grades. The personal narrative was difficult for me for two reasons. One, I had to think of a story that I could tell that would last over four pages. Two, I did not really understand the true meaning of a personal narrative until after the peer reviews. I did not really get that the point of the story was to tell  a story that impacted your life in a significant way. Then, there came poetry. I know I did not do well on this section because I have never had a thing for poetry. I am not the type of person who can just think up a poem right on the spot. Also, I am not that good in finding and interpreting hidden meanings of poems. So, as the year and English 1 is coming to an end I can identify my hits and misses throughout our numerous writing assignments and hopefully use them to improve my writing abilities. 


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