
Showing posts from November, 2017

Q2 Week 6 Comments

Tucker free post Nick free post

LOTF Thesis Post

  Ralph tells the boys, “If we have a signal going, they'll come and take us off. And another thing. We ought to have more rules. Where the conch is, that's a meeting. The same up here as down there." (Page 42.) This quote demonstrates how Ralph establishes order on the island by creating rules for everyone t o follow. He also shows his  commitment of being rescued and getting back to civilization by trying to create a signal by fire and smoke. This scene displays Ralph being an order-seeking leader among their society. 

Thanksgiving Post

Thanksgiving is probably my second favorite holiday behind only Christmas. We always go over to my grandparents house who live in the same neighborhood as us, so my parents usually let me drive there. Every year I always go over the day before and help my grandma and mom cook the food for our Thanksgiving feast. The food is always amazing because I helped cook it. Once we get there we talk watch the NFL game on TV and wait for our cousins to arrive. Once all our family has arrived we all get settled in the living room and talk. We start eating around 3:00 and then once everyone finishes we go back in the living room and watch some more football and usually fall asleep.

Q2 Week 5 Comments

Nick Symbolism Post Peyton Symbolism Post

LOTF Reading Response Pg. 91

The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away.  Once there was this and that; and now--and the ship had gone. [... Jack refusing to give Piggy the floor when he has the conch...] "The rules!" shouted Ralph.  "You're breaking the rules!" "Who cares?" Ralph summoned his wits. "Because the rules are the only thing we've got!" But Jack was shouting against him. "Bollocks to the rules!  We're strong--we hunt!  If there's a beast, we'll hunt it down!  We'll close in and beat and beat and beat--!" (91) This paragraph shows that the boys were forgetting the ways of the old civilization they once knew before life on the island. The ideas of orders,  organization, and rules were slowly neglected. This fault in their society caused the boys to split up into two different tribes and also caused the death of Piggy and Simon. This paragraph also shows that Jack has no respect for rules of a civilized so

Symbolism Post

Every night before I go to bed I pray. I pray to God that that no other kids my age have to go through what I have gone through. Then I pray to God for all that he has given me. Then I look down at my chest where the silver metallic cross hangs around my neck. It was a gift from my mom for my 14 birthday. She gave it to me while at her side in her hospital bed. My last words to her were, "I'm going to accomplish my goals. No matter how hard the days, the work, the conditions, I will make you and dad happy." Everyday since my mothers death, I have kept that promise to her. Before school and practice I look down at my cross and say, "Mom, I know you are there, watching over me. Give me strength." I was determined to make straight A's in school and be the best player on the team. It was hard, but I knew my mother was there with me, even though I couldn't see her. I did everything for her. After school I went straight to work and got home at 9:00 every nigh

Vocabulary Free Post

The stereotypical high school movie has the jock, the cheerleader, the nerd, the good or bad teacher etc. If you are not seen as "cool" or seen as unpopular your are probably considered a nerd. The jocks reign over the school, and are the coolest guys in school who only hang out with the cheerleaders. The jocks typically pick on the nerds to get a good laugh. They walk in the hall and slam the bibliophile's books out of his hands and crash to the floor. As this happens the bibliophile himself is left to pick up his scrambled books himself while the pusillanimous bystanders neglect the innocent bibliophile . After that, everyone goes on with their own business instead of helping the poor kid.

LOTF Reading Response

Our class is currently reading Lord of the Flies. It is a very interesting and strange book. At first I thought the book was not going to be that enjoyable to me, but it has turned out to be an intriguing read. This book has been very surprising to me. I find it interesting to see how these boys, no older than 12, are reacting and adapting to being stranded on an island, compared to how our class reacted to the given situation. Other things I find interesting are how the leadership role or chief title has been juggled between Ralph and Jack, Ralph and Jack's relationship, and the mystery of the beast. Originally, Ralph was named chief and ever since Jack has tried to strip Ralph of his title. At the start of the book it seemed like Ralph and Jack were friends and throughout the book they have grown farther apart. Ever since the first mention of a beast on the island, the idea was first ignored, and throughout the book it has become more believable and intimidating.